Cards and Lists, Tools for ADD ADHD

Cards and Lists, Help for ADD ADHD, for Momma — ADD Tip o the Day 464

add,adhd,adult add,adult adhd,strategies,cards,procrastination

The Red Card

Momma asked for details about how to use the card system for ADD ADHD.   So:

First, red card for the to do list, limited to 5 things.  That’s the tasks for today, tho may not get all five done.

When a new  to do comes up, the red card usually has five already, so the new one goes on the orange card.  I use a star or underlining or numbering on the orange card to indicate importance.   When I have crossed something off the red card, then I look at the orange for the next one to put on.

The yellow card is for things I might do someday, maybe.  Sometimes one moves up to the orange or even the red.  Sometimes I have spare time and just do one.

Added Comments:

1. I also use green cards for movie and book titles, blue for memory, and white for things I’m trying to learn or misc.

2. This system may be outmoded if I could use the iPhone better, but it doesn’t have colors, but I expect there are good apps for this.  But the cards seem easier than typing on the phone, and I’m terrified of losing it, or even something happening, like, oh, I don’t know, maybe sending it thru the washing machine?

3. Homey sent a great strategy for priorities, a real problem for me – ” If you could only do one thing on your list, which one would it be?” That’s your number one priority then.

4. I confess I do not stick strictly to the system all the time; maybe sometimes there’s more than five things on the red card, but that is a mistake and I’m working on doing better, cause then my life goes better.  Momma’s questions have helped me refocus on this.

Hope this covers Momma’s questions and maybe is a good review for some of us.

What is your system?  and    What apps do you use??   Hoping for comments (as always)


good ADHD facts on flash cards

another kind of ADHD cards

but “lists don’t work”

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